I have been thinking about how to push my writing to the next level for some time. I even considered the expense of undertaking an MA in Creative Writing. Serendipity, through a post on my Twitter feed, led me to Andrew Wille’s excellent blog and specifically to this post https://wille.org/blog/2019/09/17/syllabus-for-a-diy-ma-in-creative-writing-2019/
After reading the post and absorbing its contents I realised I did not have to spend many thousands of pounds in tuition fees, nor the time and expense of commuting to a university. Here it was, just what I was looking for, with a host of resources and links to support the suggested syllabus. I have decided to attempt this DIY approach to improving my writing and this website will be a record of my progress (or lack of it) and a place to publish some of my writing. It might also be a record of my failure, so all encouragement is welcome. Please do get in touch.
I am both exhilarated and daunted at the task I am setting myself, but my primary feeling is one of excitement in setting out on a new journey of self-exploration with my writing.
The one element that is missing is the presence of a peer group. I know many people who write and live locally to me, but I have not yet met anyone else who has both the time and the desire to undertake such a major piece of work.
As Andrew Wille suggests I shall be following academic terms for this undertaking, but I have allowed myself to have eleven week 'terms'. I begin in earnest on 30th September.
It would be doubly serendipitous were someone to come upon this post and get in touch with me to join me on this journey. I shan’t be holding my breath.
If you are interested in this 'DIY MA' approach to creative writing you are welcome to subscribe to this blog in the usual way.